Issue no. 72 of Texte zur Kunst has been guest-edited by Tom Holert - whose book Regieren im Bildraum has just been published by b_books, Berlin. The topic at hand is design, and one of the texts is my essay Under the Sign of Design, both in German (pp. 56-69) and in English (pp. 115-122). If the images of John Armleder's installation do not quite seem to match my description of it in the text, that's because the illustration show a later version (that I did not know existed until I saw the magazine in print) with completely different elements. Also, artist Mark Boulos's first name is misspelled with a c, and the distinction Bataille made between sociétés de comsommation and sociétés de consumation has evaporated during editing, the former term now being used exclusively. This text was written and edited in great haste by people who really needed some time off, and it shows. The text will be corrected and developed further in the near future.